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40+ Best Party Themes for June
Planning a party this June? Get your planning started with these June party themes for any style and budget. Whether you're planning a birthday party for a lucky little girl or boy, a baby shower for women, a birthday party for adults, or any other special event, these June party theme ideas will help you create the most memorable and unique celebration.
Ideia de atividade para trabalhar a coordenação motora fina, trabalho em equipe e lateralidade
Resource for developing visual perception and sequence
Resource for developing visual perception and sequence @universoeducacionalinfantil
Atividade de números e quantidades de 1 a 5
Atividade para trabalharmos os números de 1 a 5, bem como a identificação das quantidades🤩 ⚠GOSTOU DESTE CONTEÚDO? CURTE, COMENTA E COMPARTILHA COM MAIS PESSOAS!⚠ SEGUE NOSSOS PERFIS: 🎶@universoeducacional 📸 @universo.educacao.infantil Pinterest @universoeducacionalinfantil Professora quer ter acesso à planejamentos anuais editáveis em Word de acordo com os códigos da BNCC? Temos planejamentos do berçário ao 9º ano!🎯 CORRE LÁ NO LINK NA BIO! #numeros Reposted from @tugba__ogretmen
This may contain: this is an image of handprints for babies
Introduce your baby to their senses through touch and feel by creating this easy and fun “This Feels…” sensory board! 🖍️🖐️ Find textured items around your home & make this fun craft for your baby!🌟
DIY Heart Shape Early Learning Chocolate Box Kids Activity
Simple and easy diy Valentine’s chocolate boxes shape activity for learning about shapes for toddlers, preschoolers and for kids.