
17 Pins
Dr. Robyn - Your Parenting Advice Expert
The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply. #drrobyn
NameBright - Coming Soon
I don't mean to interrupt people. I just randomly remember things and get really excited! haha, truth
glitter-in-wonderland: I love this (Riches for Rags)
Why I cry when I've opened up to some people. I'm outgoing, but I have my walls up at the same time.
Teenager Posts :)
OMG can't even explain how many times I do this when reading a book So like... Im not the only one who does this?
Today's: Gymspiration: Be You!Read more at www.gymspirations.com #gymspiration #motivation #inspiration #gym #fitness #muscle #workout #crossfit #beastmode #bodybuilding #sayings #health #inspirational #quotes #believeInYourself
The Good Vibe
"I wonder how many times we forgive just because we don't want to lose someone. Even if they don't deserve forgiveness."
Only Those Who Care About You Can Hear You When You're Quiet - LifeHack
Only those who care about you can hear you when you're quiet.
To heal the broken heart is much more difficult than thought. It's been 9 months and I still long to hear your voice. I hate that I still love you and you act as if I do not exist.
A quote by Socrates
Quote Socrates: “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”