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Lajward Gemstone Benefits (लाजवर्द रत्न के लाभ)
Lajward Gemstone Benefits: The descriptions we found in the Blue Sapphire are mostly Lajward Gemstone (Lajward Gemstone Benefits). Although it is considered that Blue Sapphire is more effective than any other concerned stone but Lapis Lazuli/Lajward Gemstone. has its own uses. According to legend the Lajward Gemstone. is born out of the hair of the king of demons Balee...
Amethyst Gemstone Benefits (जमुनिया रत्न के लाभ)
Amethyst Gemstone Benefits: According to astrology Amethyst Gemstone (Amethyst Gemstone Benefits) is concerned with Saturn. It is a sub gem to Blue Sapphire. It is a gem of Capricorn and Aquarius. Hence holding it, people overcome the malefic effects of Saturn. This gem is also helpful to Aries, Leo and Scorpio...
Opal Gemstone Benefits (ओपल रत्न के लाभ)
Opal Gemstone Benefits: Opal gemstone (Opal Gemstone Benefits) means like ornament. It is mainly found in Australia. Australia is producing about 95% of the total procurement of the world. Besides Australia it is available in America, Brazil, Mexico, Chezcoslavakia and South Africa. It is found in different light colours. For the iron oxide in it is sometimes red and due to carbon manganese it is sometimes black in colour...
Cats Eye Gemstone Benefits (लहसुनिया रत्न के लाभ)
Cats Eye Gemstone Benefits: Cats Eye Gemstone (Cats Eye Gemstone Benefits) is the gemstone of planet Ketu. It is known as Sutarmani in Sanskrit, Vaidoory in Persian, and Cat’s eye or Cats Eye Gemstone (Cats Eye Gemstone Benefits) in English. This gem has white stripes on it. 2, 3, or 4 stripes are normal in this gem, but the auspicious and high quality Cat’s eye is that which have 2 and ½ stripes on it...
Gomed Gemstone Benefits (गोमेद रत्न के लाभ)
Gomed Gemstone Benefits: Gomed Gemstone (Gomed Gemstone Benefits) is considered the gem for Rahu, it is also known as Hessonite. Its colour is deep yellow like urine of cow. Its appearance is bright, beautiful and smooth, Hessonite/Gomed Gemstone mostly found in china, Burma now Myanmar, Arabia and also found along the banks of Indus river.
Blue Sapphire Gemstone Benefits (नीलम रत्न के लाभ)
Blue Sapphire Gemstone Benefits: The principal gemstone of Saturn is Blue Sapphire Gemstone (Blue Sapphire Gemstone Benefits). In Sanskrit it is known as Indranilmani, in Hindi it is Neelam and in English it is known as Blue Sapphire Gemstone. Mostly Blue Sapphire is found in Himalayas, at the terrain of Vindhya mountains, Abu mountains, Sri Lanka, Kabul and java etc. countries...
Diamond Gemstone Benefits (हीरा रत्न के लाभ)
Diamond Gemstone Benefits: Diamond gemstone (Diamond Gemstone Benefits) is the gem for planet Venus. It is known as Vajramani or Indramani in Sanskrit, Heera in Hindi, Aleems in Persian and Diamond in English. This is also called as Ratanraj because this is rare and precious among all the gemstones. Only fortunate person can hold this gem...
Yellow Sapphire Gemstone Benefits (पुखराज रत्न के लाभ)
Yellow Sapphire Gemstone Benefits: Yellow Sapphire Gemstone (Yellow Sapphire Gemstone Benefits) is considered the gem of Jupiter. It is known as Pushparag in Sanskrit, in Hindi it is known as Pukhraj, and Yellow Sapphire Gemstone in English. This is originally found in Orissa and Bengal regions, Brahmaputra and near Vindhayachal, and in the regions of Himalaya...
Emerald Gemstone Benefits (पन्ना रत्न के लाभ)
Emerald Gemstone Benefits: Emerald Gemstone (Emerald Gemstone Benefits)is considered the gem of Mercury planet. In Sanskrit it is known as Markat Mani, Panna in Hindi and Emerald in English. The color of this gem is green and mostly found in southern river Mahanadi, Himalayas, Girnar, and near Somnadi...
Coral Gemstone Benefits (मूंगा रत्न के लाभ)
Coral Gemstone Benefits: Coral gemstone (Coral Gemstone Benefits) is the gem of mars, it is known as Vidrum in Sanskrit, Mirjan in Persian and Coral Gemstone (Coral Gemstone Benefits) in English. It is found near the Himalayan Mountain and near Mansarovar...
Pearl Gemstone Benefits (मोती रत्न के लाभ)
Pearl Gemstone Benefits: Pearl is the gemstone of planet moon, in Sanskrit it is known as Muktak, and in English it is known as pearl. Pearls are of nine types, different pearls have their different importance...
Ruby Gemstone Benefits (माणिक्य रत्न के लाभ)
Ruby Gemstone Benefits: Ruby is said to be the gem of the Sun, Ruby Gemstone (Ruby Gemstone Benefits) is known as Padmarag in Sanskrit, In Persian, it is Yakut, Chunni in Urdu and in English it is Ruby. Ruby is found in many colours, this appears in red colour and generally found in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Kabul, Vindhayachal and Himalayas, and the mines are found along the river Ganges...
The Gems Remedies, Indian astrology is a good thing to the humans given by the ancient saints to guide them in all aspects of life. These aspects are divided into 12 planets of your horoscope. Some planets are benefices and some are malefic. Gemstones are the remedial solution provided to person to increase the strength of benefice planets and decrease the strength of malefic planets(Gems remedies). Gemstones are the essential part of astrology from the ancient times....