Abhyangam + Shirodhara

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Podikizhi Treatment To Your Body
Podikizhi treatment has a surprising effect on your body. The medicated oil used in massages reduces swelling and pain in joints by soothing the whole nervous system thus boosting flexibility and immobility.
Vitamin D Therapy
The advantage of natural daylight goes far beyond getting enough vitamin D! Take a sunbath at sunrise and sunset while practicing flexible, basic yoga. #health #tip #ayurlife #ayurvedic #life #healthy #Singapore #ayurvedalife #ayurvedamedicine #ayurvedictreatment #lifestyle #lifeisgood #vitamindtherapy #resolutions #vitaminboost
Benefits Of Traditional Ayurvedic Treatment With Kizhi
Podikizhi massage is the traditional ayurvedic treatment with Kizhi bags with mild pressures that is excellent in removing joint swelling and pain. Experience all our traditional ayurvedic treatment and relieve from all injuries.
Podikizhi Treatments in Singapore
Podikizhi and its benefits for improving body function, such as strengthening and detoxifying the body. #ayurlife #ayurveda #ayurvedic #ayurvedicmassage #lifeisgood #podikizhi #therapies #therapyworks #therapeuticmassage #singaporelife #singapore
Say No to back pain
Ayurvedic back pain remedies, try our Ayurvedic therapies to get more relief from back pain. 🍀Abhayangam 🍀Kativasti 🍀Pizhichil 🍀Physio-Veda #ayurlife #ayurveda #ayurvedic #ayurvedicmassage #abhayangam #kativasti #pizhichil #physioveda #singapore #march2023 #life #health
Nasyam Ayurvedic Treatment Effective!!
Nasyam Ayurvedic Treatment Effective!! Yes, you could manage your nasal-related illnesses with regular and effective Nasyam Ayurvedic Treatment. #health #tip #immunity #ayurlife #ayurvedic #life #healthy #Singapore #therapies #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurvedahealing #tips #lifeisgood #healthcare #healthandfitness #nasyam #nasyamtherapy #nasyamthreatment
Is Back Pain Troubling You?
Live your life with pain-free anti back pain consulting our expert therapists along with our various Ayurvedic therapies.
Say No To Skin Scratching And Itching
Get a remedy for skin scratching and itching tendencies with natural ayurvedic herbs, diets and ayurvedic exercises.
Stroke Rehabilitation With Ayurvedic Therapies
Stroke Rehabilitation with ayurvedic therapies to improve your abilities and confidence.
Shirodhara Therapy De-Stress Ayurvedic Therapy
Shirodhara Therapy can bring relief from severe headaches, anxiety, and stress with gentle massage sessions using medicated herbs relaxing nerve system ensuring calmness.
Postnatal Treatment For Moms After Birth
Ayurveda places a high value on caring for a mother during and after pregnancy because a child's development is linked to a mother's mental and physical health. Postnatal therapy sessions can have a positive impact on your health and skin.
Feeling Bored Or Inactive?
Ayurveda abhyanga helps your body in various ways such as sleeping problems, inactiveness, stress with 100% medicated massages.
Abhyangam + Njavarakizhi
Make your body healthier and energetic with an Abhyangam + Njavarakizhi combined session. At Ayurlife, you get to experience the authentic traditions and healing properties of Ayurveda in our treatments. Contact us to book your appointment and achieve peace and comfort
Benefits Of Shirodhara Treatment
Undergoing a shirodhara treatment assures you healthy blood circulation and flexible joints & muscles and also relieves you from stress and anxiety.
The saying goes, "Eyes serve as the mirrors of the soul," making NethraTharpanam a pathway to enhanced vision and overall vitality. Embrace the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, and set forth on a quest for optimal eye well-being. 🌞👁️🌿 👁️ Relives eye strain 👁️ Sooth Tired eyes 👁️ Improves sleep 👁️ Manages eye Irritation #ayurvedaeyecare #eyecare #eyehealth #NethraTharpanam #EyeCareTherapy #AyurvedicEysCareTherapy #ayurvedadoctor #ayurvedalife