ESSAYS ON AYURVEDA by Dr.George Eassey

At some point, everyone must encounter life, what we in India call ‘ayus’. My first experience with real life came from meeting with various spiritual teachers. After many years, I found out that the best piece of wisdom I had learnt was; “Do not hurt yourself…”
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Life is like a clear crystal if we develop sharp awareness. It spreads wide and translucent right in front of our eyes. Our life is an ongoing sequence of encounters. Be it a situation or a new person, in each moment we get to meet with that, which is the essence of Ayurveda: an innocent smile of a child, the goodness of the human heart or the beauty of Nature. Every meeting is important if we know how to listen. - DR.GEORGE EASSEY  Photo: SEA EYMERE Ayurveda, Spreads, Nature, Photo Sea, Ayurveda Lifestyle, The Human Heart, Spiritual Teachers, Human Heart, To Listen
Ayurveda Journals
Life is like a clear crystal if we develop sharp awareness. It spreads wide and translucent right in front of our eyes. Our life is an ongoing sequence of encounters. Be it a situation or a new person, in each moment we get to meet with that, which is the essence of Ayurveda: an innocent smile of a child, the goodness of the human heart or the beauty of Nature. Every meeting is important if we know how to listen. - DR.GEORGE EASSEY Photo: SEA EYMERE