Sewing plazzo/ pants

30 Pins
McCalls M5633 Cargo Pant-Entry 5-The Bum Adjustment
The Bum Adjustment. Butt Adjustment. Protruding Rear-End Adjustment. Junk in the Trunk Adjustment, whatever you want to call it adjustment. That is my next step on these pants. Although I've expa...
Tipos de calças: modelos e comprimentos
Tipos de calças: modelos e comprimentos - Industria Textil e do Vestuário - Textile Industry - Ano VI
O Le Blog
Tutorial on how to adjust pants for a perfect fit. Nice blog.
I too am learning to do this! I'm taking a pants drafting class at Cañada Community College (San Mateo County, CA) from Lynda Maynard, and jeans are one of the types we draft - and my main reason to take it. .....Drafting a Jeans pattern
Pants Pattern Alterations
Cation Designs: Pants Pattern Alterations - discussion of several different alterations
Sew Chic Pattern Company
the center back crotch is tipped outward to make room for the rear. How much it should tip depends upon how much rear we have. If your rear is more flat than the standard then your pattern should tip less. If your rear is larger, then your pattern should be tipped more to make enough space. The green lines roughly represent those differences.
How to Draft a Basic Pant Pattern
Written Instructions with accompanying video for anyone who wants to make a basic pant exactly to your measurements! Please get your correct measurements before you begin from How to Take Your Measurements. Video: . Note: Solid lines are the final cutting lines. Dotted lines are only for reference. Part 1: Starting Draw a rectangle as follows: From point 1 to point 2 half the hip measurement. From point 1 to 3 and 2 to 4 the desired pant length. Connect point 3 to 4. From point 1 towards poi...
How to Draft a Basic Pant Pattern
De Como Elaborar ONU Modelo de «El básico Pant Costura y Bordado
How to Balance Your Plus Size Pants Pattern
▶ How to Balance Your Plus Size Pants Pattern - YouTube
Stout Alteration Tricks: Pants-rise to the occasion.
I realize she has name this as a "Stout Alteration" but this might also work well for those with a wider crotch curve.
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