Shoulder workout

12 Pins
Dumbbell one-arm shoulder press instructions and video
Dumbbell one arm overhead press. A unilateral compound push exercise. Main muscles worked: Anterior Deltoid, Lateral Deltoid, Supraspinatus, Triceps Brachii, Middle and Lower Trapezii, Serratus Anterior, Clavicular (upper) Pectoralis Major, Obliques, Psoas Major, Iliocastalis Lumborum, and Iliocastalis Thoracis. See website to learn why you should be doing unilateral exercises.
Step by Step Complete Workout Tip and Guide Demographics
Boulder Shoulder Workout step by step guide
Dumbbell w-press exercise instructions and video | Weight Training Guide
Dumbbell w-press. An isolation exercise. Target muscle: Anterior Deltoid. Synergists: Lateral Deltoid, Upper Pectoralis Major, Supraspinatus, Serratus Anterior, and Middle and Lower Trapezius.
Dumbbell armpit row instructions and video | Weight Training Guide
Dumbbell armpit row. A compound pull exercise. Muscles worked: Lateral deltoid, Posterior Deltoid, Supraspinatus, Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Biceps Brachii, Middle and Lower Trapezii, Serratus Anterior, Infraspinatus, and Teres Minor. Also known as the dumbbell raise.