
32 Pins
Chemanthy Stitch
Chemanthy Stitch Tutorial
TAST #136 Knotted Buttonhole Band
Queenie's Needlework: TAST #136 Knotted Buttonhole Band
Interlaced Herringbone Insertion Stitch
Embroidery joining together the two sides of a Cap of St Birgitta
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(+1) тема - Вышивка а-ля рококо | РУКОДЕЛИЕ | ришелье бразильская вышивка | Постила
the blanket stitch - Pumora - all about hand embroidery
Pumora's embroidery stitch-lexicon: the mirrored blanket stitch
Note using different color for perpendicular threads as design detail, not just to clarify the steps for illustration.
the satin stitch - Pumora - all about hand embroidery
Pumora's embroidery stitch lexicon: the brick stitch, long and short stitch
other stitches - Pumora - all about hand embroidery
Pumora's lexicon of embroidery stitches: fringes