Garden clips

77 Pins
Longfield Gardens - I #garden to burn the #crazy off! #Agree? Then #share with all your #friends and #family! #ThursdayThoughts #Quoteoftheday | Facebook
Do you garden to burn the crazy off? I do!!
The Truth About Gardening
I like gardening— it's a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself…
Victoria Mier on X
How lovely is the silence of growing things ❤️
We have a tendency to bloom where we're planted, we're not discouraged by failures because they teach & embolden us to try again until we get it right, we're not afraid to try new things, we're passionate, curious, genial, laid back, always optimistic, determined, and we understand & value hard work. When we have a surplus of something, we want to share it with others.
Repurposed mirror into Garden ART
[ARTful] Salvage: Repurposed mirror into Garden ART
This item is unavailable | Etsy
My garden feeds my soul 28 x14 hand painted pallet. Great for indoors or out by your garden this summer
70 Summery Backyard DIY Projects That Are Borderline Genius
Use glow in the dark paint on existing or new planters - sunlight in day makes them light up at night.
Sedum 'Alice Evans' - World of Succulents
Sedum 'Alice Evans' #sedum #succulentopedia #succulents #CactiAndSucculents #succulent #SucculentPlant #SucculentPlants #SucculentCollection #SucculentGarden #DesertPlants