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SW Kat Switchphrases
Kat's Switchphrase for November 19, 2015 DIVINE-Idea-BE. (Increase personal ability to work miracles, bring a powerful focus to innovation, passion and zeal, increase development and advancement in life, relationships and career, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.) I am presenting this inside a Plum Crazy Energy Circle.
This is an AMAZING Energy Circle for career growth. Add your name to it and print it out.
Sometimes our bodies forget how to and what to do... Here is a gentle reminder to OPEN to mental clarity( 12 Hz) and REACH a healthy state of being. 741 will bring the solution and the frequency of Violet Flame will be at work 10,000 Hz. 71042 Best possible outcome shall be attained!
MultipurposeEC Write your intention and place in the EC .It Shall BE DONE!
Haresh 137 142 133 914 Write it on a paper and stick on the appliance 100% success .
To keep control on technology use
31.12.15 Defusing word Teapot Whistle Teapot Whistle is about defusing and releasing stresses of the day. Teapot Whistle helps create a time of relaxation, soothing and bonding. Teapot Whistle signals time for calmness and peace. Teapot Whistle inspires joy and sharing wonderments of the day with family and friends in a comfortable, warm environment.
Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle with a healing code to accept healing , removing blocks!
Write your name in this beautiful Energy Circle and let the healing BEGIN!
Energy Circle for Fatigue
Wipe Your (Karmic) Debt (eases tight financial situations and health emergencies) Mantra: Lalitham Sadashivam Lalitham Chandrasekaram Additional Information: If you are in a tight financial situation, this mantra eases the situation and one will be saved from availing loan. There won’t be any financial hiccups, as you would always have money. This mantra helps reprogram your mind and thus your life. Life is decided (formed) by our karma, our thoughts, emotions and reactions to incidents in ...