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Staveley moss
Staveley moss
Экстракт исландского мха, Чага МОЛОТАЯ, Исландский мох
Экстракт исландского мха, Чага МОЛОТАЯ, Исландский мох
10x Giant Thorny Bamboo Pot Plant Seeds - Bambusa Arundinacea. From UK Seller
10x GIANT THORNY BAMBOO SEEDS (Bambusa Arundinacea) . This is one of the tallest 'grasses' in the world. A true giant, it has numerous branches at the nodes with one or two being exceptionally large with many stems tufted onto a stout root stock. Although best known in warm humid temperate areas, it can be easily grown as a pot plant or for impressive summer bedding. Its young shoots are consumed as food in some parts of China and India and new shoots start growing slowly, but soon grow approxim