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#om should not just be explained but also experienced. Become aware, grounded and infinite. Feel it within. #om 🤓❤️🙏 #think #love #vibe #harmony #wakeup #knowthyself #thirdeye #spirit #soul #knowledge #psychology #mindfulness #oneness #peace #satnam
... Just closing the eyes does not give you what meditation is. Pure meditation is one where all one's vehicles...are drawn towards the core of the being without any division in that state. Meditation is the dynamic balance of intellectual and intuitive consciousness." ~ BKS Inyengar "The Tree Of Yoga"
How to Use a Mala
How to Use a Mala A Mala is a string of beads used to count mantras (Sanskrit prayers) in sets of 108 repetitions. A mantra is a word or series of words chanted aloud or silently to invoke spiritual qualities. Chanting is used as a spiritual tool in virtually every cultural and religious tradition. In the yogic tradition a mantra is a Sanskrit word that has special powers to transform consciousness, promote healing or fulfill desires. ॐ
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Welcome to a New Chapter in Mindfulness
Ever wondered how to get into the mindset of mindfulness and meditation? Here is a great infographic, courtesy of #Mindful Magazine!
How To Meditate In 10 Easy Steps (Infographic)
The meditation tip that changes everything for beginners