Beau Taplin

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// my books Playing With Fire and Hunting Season are available via the link on the home page xo Love Beau
Sometimes it takes life smacking you hard in the face to rearrange your thinking and allow you to see what you deserve more clearly. // my book Playing With Fire is available via the link on the home page xo
Style Estate
Always, Baby, always. I don't have your steel control where you can ignore me and thoughts of me, I can't ignore you or thoughts of you. ILY.
"...people are oceans...You cannot know them from their surface." (It was never based on your outward appearnance, but from what I knew in my heart, and how you treated me, which was not very compassionate at all, despite who you claim to be spiritually. Jus' sayin'...) ~ETS #depth #divedeep #neverbesuperficial
“L I T T L E N O T H I N G S || my books Playing With Fire and The Wild Heart are available via the link on the home page. xo Love Beau”
P L A T O N I C // my books Playing With Fire and The Wild Heart are available via the link on the home page xo Love Beau
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the nights and days...I think we spent almost 24hrs in bed one friday night to Saturday when you didnt work Saturday and I called my personal trainer and said I couldn't train. You always surprise and delight and intoxicate me, I love that you said I intoxicate you.
Damnnnnn!!! Phewww is this the truth or what!!! Glad to have figured this out!!!
You felt familiar the moment I met you. A lovely sort of déjà vu. When we spoke or laughed or danced I became overwhelmed by the powerful sensation that I had been here before. And when we kissed I felt the energies of a thousand lives on our lips, like our souls had known each other all along. –Beau Taplin
"True intimacy ... I want to share myself with somebody who will press her hands through the surface of my skin, curl herself up inside my soul and say 'Here, this is who i am' " -Beau Taplin
This is how I feel. This is what I want to express... This is what I can't say out of fear of rejection. Trying to practice vulnerability on a new level.