Blacksmith Hammers, Punches and Chisels

Blacksmithing metal working and forging hand tools.
17 Pins
Picard 16 Locksmiths' Hammer With Ash Handle 2000g for sale online | eBay
NEW Picard French pattern Blacksmith forging hammer 4.4 lbs 2000 grms cross pein
Diamond Joe 1942 Rounding and shaping hammers.
Hammer handle replacement.
Best rounded face hammers.
Forging a Hammer. Published by the UN United Nations to help starving nations feed people
fig 130.gif
Repairing the mushrooming on a hammer question for experienced blacksmiths.
Random blacksmith tools. 3/8 round hot punch, 3/8 & 3/4 scroll wrenches, Adjustable twist wrench, role bar hardy, traditional holdfast, vise grip hold fast, and an adjustable vise mount bending fork.
Diamond Joe 1942 Rounding and shaping hammers.
Diamond Joe 1942 rounding hammers NOS.
Some more tools... 2.75 cross peen from 1045, small hot cut from A-33 and two different kinds of square drifts from 8630. Made by Jakob Faram