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วิธีการออกเสียงภาษาอังกฤษ คำศัพท์ที่ไม่ออกเสียงตัว "D"
Silent D
This is the true meaning of a best friend. To be labeled as a BF is something special with deep meaning and a history of life's most special, heartbreaking, monumental and life changing moments and experiences. People use this term loosely today. I have only two people on my life that I call my BF and one is my husband of 32 years. If you don't believe me, ask your mama how many BF she has.
You make my life worth living, like u once said If I never met u my life would be a dull and boring life and u were right because I cant even imagine what I would do if u and I never became friends and I cant even remember a lot from the time before I met u.