
127 Pins
#zentangle #zentangleart #zendoodle #tangle #zenart #penart #pendrawing #ゼンタングル #ペン画 #ワークショップ #パターンアート #マインドフルネス
Lesezeichen -
Lesezeichen - 2 Stk. Handarbeit aus Karton und Papier von Hand gezeichnet im Zentangle-Design ca. 15 x 5 cm
Meandering Mooka by Sharla R. Hicks CZT © 2012
Meandering Mooka
Artist Draws Countless Lines and Dots to Capture the Majestic Beauty of Mountains
Inspired by her new home in Canada, Netherlands-born artist Christa Rijneveld creates pointillist line drawings of mountains.
Zen Mandala inspired by the Yin and Yang Symbol by Snezh - Zen & Anti-stress Mandalas
Free Mandalas page «Zen-Mandala-inspired-by-the-Yin-and-Yang-Symbol-by-Snezh». Zen Mandala inspired by the Yin and Yang Symbol by Snezh
Mandala Fest
Judy's Zentangle Creations: Mandala Fest
Maryhill Zendalas
by Betsy: Maryhill Zendalas
Jane Nichols‎ to Shading Zentangle® Sandswirl, Sutygal, Axlexa, Chequered Zag, and at the top a variation of something I can't remember!
Drawing with black markers - 2 - Mary Koliva
Drawing with black markers - 2 by Mary Koliva, via Behance