
69 Pins
a yellow vase filled with white and yellow flowers
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies Flower Arrangement
a christmas centerpiece with candles and flowers
Teleflora #LoveOutLoud $75 Gift Code #Giveaway (AD) #Teleflora
Normally I don't think of sending flowers for the holidays though it is a nice option for those with loved ones afar. I tend to think of flower deliveries for birthdays, anniversaries and celebrations. This year though I am thinking of my aunt and how she always lovingly opens her home to the masses for the holidays. She hosts both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations, warmly welcoming guests to her beautiful home and feeding them delicious meals year after year after year. I ...
a pink vase filled with red and pink flowers
Teleflora's Moonlight Kiss Bouquet Flowers
a pink vase filled with lots of flowers
Teleflora's Pink Reflections Bouquet with #Roses
a red vase filled with white and red flowers
Love's Passion Bouquet by Teleflora - Teleflora
a vase filled with lots of pink and white flowers
Kensington Gardens by Teleflora Flowers
a vase filled with purple roses and greenery
Teleflora's Morning Melody Flowers
a white vase filled with purple and white flowers
Teleflora's Breathless Bouquet Flowers
red roses in a square vase with greenery and purple flowers on the bottom side
Teleflora's Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses - Teleflora