
135 Pins
not only lazy, but smart too
I haven’t animated in years woah! Still it turned out pretty well, I’m proud! Aerick with a confident trotting cycle
not only lazy, but smart too — Very choppy, 8-frame animations of Aerick’s gaits.
not only lazy, but smart too! — Very choppy, 8-frame animations of Aerick’s gaits.
Flying Horse by DarkmaneTheWerewolf on DeviantArt
Flying Horse by on @DeviantArt
One part biology, one part geometry, the flight patterns of winged creatures are beautiful to watch.
Hypnotic animations that reveal exactly how animals fly
Hypnotic animations that reveal exactly how animals and insects fly | Daily Mail Online
Hypnotic animations that reveal exactly how animals fly
Shows how hummingbirds flap their wings in a figure-8 pattern so they can move up, down, left, right, forwards, backwards, and even upside down. Hypnotic animations that reveal exactly how animals and insects fly | Daily Mail Online