TEAM by saint Dr. gurmeet ram rahim singh ji

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Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan initiated 150th walfare work TEAM. Under which the family eats together once a week. #TEAM #FamilyMeal #EatingTogether #PowerOfTeam #BondingAndMakingMemories #FamilyTime #DeraSachaSauda #SaintDrMSG #BabaRamRahim #SaintRamRahimJi #SaintDrGurmeetRamRahimSinghJi #GurmeetRamRahim #RamRahim Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan
TEAM An Initiative By Saint Dr. MSG
Family time is a happy time but today's life is so dull and busy. So Saint Dr. MSG initiated TEAM to encourage masses that they should eat a meal with family members. It will give them joy and feeling of togetherness.