Abstract Sculpts

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Sax player
"Sax Player" - photo by Tim Zachernuk, via Flickr; at Beijing International Sculpture Park, China
Памятники котам со всего света :)
Людям нравятся кошки. Людям приятно на них смотреть, с ними играть, о них заботиться. Кошки, благодаря своим особенным свободолюбию и независимости, вызывают уважение людей. А такие чувства как любовь и уважение нередко требуют увековечивания. Думаю так и рождаются памятники, посвящённые этим…
Gerry Judah is no stranger to creating massive sculptures for iconic cars, it is just that his latest, a 28m tall Jaguar E-Type, is of one of the most famed cars ever released. Impressive stat: the piece was constructed with over half a kilometer of steel tubing. The sculpture was made for the Goodwood Festival of Speed, which took place in Sussex, UK.
The Awakening
A friend took me to see "The Awakening" statute in Washington, DC. I was told to cover my eyes as he drove right up on it. In the complete dark, it's surrounded by spotlights. I opened my eyes and screamed for like 2 minutes. Terrifying.
Recreating a Scorched Room with Black Thread
Chiharu Shiota. burnt piano and miles of thread. How i wish I could see in person!