
70 Pins
StrefaKoloru - Customers
Another shot from “Strefa Koloru”, project that I’m working right now… this time it’s Customers page which includes views: first view, add customer, single customer info, ordered paintings and boug...
Web Application For Recruiting Company
Web Application For Recruiting Company
StrefaKoloru - Paintings Page
Hello folks! :) So, this time it’s another page from a little dashboard that I’m working right now. On this page user can manage their paintings. (add new ones, edit and delete them). Make sure y...
pindrop_dashboard_final_1_a.png by Konrad Księżopolski
Pindrop dashboard final 1 a
influencers-fullpreview_2x.jpg by Thomas Michel
Influencers fullpreview 2x
Preview-2.png by Mateusz Wozniak
Preview 2
HR Manager - Company Calendar
Not that long ago, we started designing a HR manager web app. In order to make the app easy to use, with this type of project we needed to question every UX decision we today take for granted. Her...