Latin Quotes

106 Pins
I love this quote. Its Latin for 'Nothing stands in the way' i want it on my left wrist
...solvitur ambulando..... Latin - It is solved by walking. This is how I think of my pilgrimage on the camino (the Way of Santiago de Compostela).-Ginn
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - engraved phrase stone - Ready to ship
"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam" is a Latin phrase for "I shall either find a way or make one" ~ stone paperweight by SJEngraving
Dictum factum - What is said is done.
Contra spem spero - Hope against hope. #latin #phrase #quote #quotes - Follow us at
Corpus vile - Worthless body. #latin #phrase #quote #quotes - Follow us at