
Predominantly Iyengar Yoga
315 Pins
178 vind-ik-leuks, 3 reacties - CENTRO DE YOGA IYENGAR PERU (@yogaiyengarperu) op Instagram: 'Akarna Dhanurasana, variación con silla. La postura del arquero. Se asemeja a un arquero…'
Flying Splits - Peanut Butter Runner
"Eventually your triceps should be against the wall and you should be able to grab your toes."
130 Likes, 3 Comments - Gabi Abalo •ૐ• (@gabiabalo) on Instagram: “"One doesn't practice or teach what one is taught but what one has learnt." - Prashant Iyengar…”
Amanda and Dustin #parvrittatrikonasana #iyengaryoga #chevronyoga #goldcoast #burleigh #tallebudgera
Get a Leg Up on Downward Dog - Five-Minute Yoga
Get a Leg Up on Downward Dog - Five-Minute Yoga - "one of the best ways to bring even more ease into your dog pose is, paradoxically, to make it harder. Try this variation, and when you return to Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward dog pose), you may feel a new sense of ease."
Simhasana 2 has two main components: lotus pose and backbending. Start by preparing the legs for external rotation at the hips. Take this pigeon prep on a chair to both open the hip and stretch the back quadriceps.
practiceyoga-la: Backbending can be challenging for people with limited flexibility at the front of the thighs and hips, as well as the shoulders and upper spine. To properly prepare for backbends and evenly distribute the arc of a backbend along the entire length of the spine, not just in the low back where the natural lordotic curve lends itself to back extensions, we need to spend time stretching the quads. Poses like anjanayesana (lunge with back knee down), can get at the top portion of the
DETAIL + DEPTH | Astavakrasana is an arm balance and spinal twist that requires strength in the arms, shoulders, upper back, core, and hip adductors. To begin, prepare with this 4-part plank series. First, take plank on the floor or the chair. As a beginning pose to the sequence, the added height of the chair will minimize the demands of the wrist and upper body while still warming up the core, legs and shoulders for the work ahead. Second, take one leg and bring the knee to the opposite elb...
Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
Amazing arm balance by @angelakukhahn ! We love the bedhead paired with great patterned leggings and a simple grey bra.