Hand-Engraved Symbol: 福 = 복 = fortune, blessing, luck - 0.5 Don (1.875g): Face Width: 11mm Band Width: 3mm Opening: 13mm Thickness: 0.4mm - 1.0 Don (3.75g): Face Width: 13mm Band Width: 3.75mm Opening: 14mm Thickness: 0.7mm 24K SOLID GOLD (REAL GOLD, not gold-filled, not gold-plated) Dol (돌) is a Korean tradition that celebrates the first birthday of a baby. This ceremony blesses the child with a prosperous future and is of great significance in Korea. Customarily, these items are kept safely un May Birth Flowers, Danielle Smith, Baby Ring, Bless The Child, Gold Heart Studs, Acorn Necklace, Gold Border, Custom Pendants, Korean Traditional