
32 Pins
If you want to stay positive and present, don't forget to: (1) focus on the good (2) do something you love (3) go outside (4) love who you are now (5) keep being brave .
Leinwand-Kunst aus geschmolzenen Wachsmalstiften
Mit Wachsmalstiften und einem Fön machst du dieses wunderschöne Bild von buntem Regen. Ein Hingucker für jede Wand! #crayon #wachsmalstift #wachsstift #wachsmaler #bild #basteln #kunst
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This is my fight song... my powers turned on, starting right now I'll be strong and I don't really care, if nobody else believes, cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me!
Rainbow tons of fun
More rainbow goodness today, with an elephant blowing bubbles :) I scribbled my Zig markers onto my craft mat to use it as a palette, the...