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8 Pins
Rahulkpoffical: I will professionally manage your social media accounts for $75 on
How to Turn Your Phone into a Security Camera (#Infographic)
Fake tattoo tilraunir….
DIY fake tattoo - wear a tattoo that you want for a while to make sure you actually like it. Great idea.
The Art of Solar Printing - Yanko Design
This printer. It doesn't use ink. It TANS the paper. Suntan, tan. That's so intriguing.
The Back Stretch Pain Reliever - Hammacher Schlemmer
Bizarre but intriguing as well...Using owns body weight pressing nodes against back, soothing fatigued muscles for relaxation & rejuvenate. Curved shape helps realigns spine back to natural shape, countering the effects of slouching.
Fleece Wrist Wallet - Stretchy band carries cash cards and keys without a purse | Solutions
Turns photo negatives into digital images. Gift for mom
iPhone Case is a Polaroid Printer - Yanko Design
SHUT UP!!!! iPhone case that prints your picture out like a polaroid camera- gotta have this!!!
Products that Make Life Easier | Solutions
I WANT ONE OF THESE!!! After a long day at a computer or hours of gardening, this herbal heat pack will deliver muscle-soothing relief to your neck and shoulders, and down the full length of your back. Make one of these @Pamela Hichens Matthias FOR DAD!