
199 Pins
The Tribe of Dynamic Lifers The DYNAMIC Express Magazine
5 Progress Killers That Block Your Personal Development By Ange Fonce The good news is you can over come and work through these blocks and it is easier than you might "think" it will be. These are the blocks that can keep you stuck for months... years... or decades. If you want to make progress in improving your “personal development” and
Paste Magazine
Israeli Artist Uses Common Idioms to Create Painfully Adorable Illustrations :: Design :: Galleries :: Paste
Packaging Design Agency Auckland, NZ
Innovative Negative space logos for inspiration #logo #logodesign #inspirationlogodesign #creativelogodesign #negativespacelogodesign
Packaging Design Agency Auckland, NZ
Innovative Negative space logos for inspiration #logo #logodesign #inspirationlogodesign #creativelogodesign #negativespacelogodesign
Homepage - Web Design Ledger
great example of negative space design for a logo