fashion and Style Inspirations

fashion and style inspirations from runway looks, latest trends, designer fashions, boho style, spring fashions, classy fashion style, edgy styles, runway fashions, fashion details, fashion designers, couture fashion, fashion accessories. Women’s Fashion Inspiration, Runway, Fashion Collections, Inspiration for Sewing Women’s Clothing and Garments, Fashion Blog, Blogger, Style and Stylist Clothing Inspiration, Wardrobe Inspiration, Editorial Fashion Photography
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Happy Weekend 37 Images of Inspiration: Powder Blue
Happy Weekend | 37 Images of Inspiration: Powder Blue
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3D Textiles - fabric manipulation for fashion design; sculptural rose textured dress
Draping project: "Flower" Skirt
Elena Fashion Design Workshops : Draping project: "Flower" skirt (samples in muslin)
Винтовой крой - в чем принцип? Крой Shingo Sato.
Прикрепленное изображение
Ashish at London Fashion Week Spring 2016
Ashish at London Spring 2016
How to decorate your home without spending extra money - Anthology Magazine
Scattered french knots on top of multi dyed fabric. To make this suit my theme the fabric can be inbred blue with the French knots running in parallel curved lines | Sabatina Leccia
En maintenance
. Avec sa collection diplômante de broderie ultra vitaminée, la créatrice Rebecca Roberston explore la broderie traditionnelle sous un angle plus contemporain. Dans le but de créer des effets de textures et de volumes exagérés, elle adapte les techniques ancestrales à des matières inattendues. Expérimentation et jeu autour du fils et du plastique sont de mises dans l’univers totalement pop de la designer.
Brodeur Bear
Brodeur Bear - gorgeous tambour beading