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Gayatri Mantra Meaning, Significance and 12 Benefits in life
Gayatri Mantra - Meaning, Significance and Benefits
All About the TCM Stomach
ST 36 is probably the most used point in clinical practice. Commander point, He-Sea point, Lower He-Sea point, Earth Point, Sea of Water & Grain. It tonifies Qi & Blood, expel pathogens, strengthen Wei Qi, Harmonize ST & SP and all digestive issues, and maintains overall health!
#TipTuesday: #Acupuncture Point of the Week, Kidney 5 #chinesemedicine #acupunctureschoolwillbethedeathofme ⠀ ⠀ Go to the link in our bio for more information on AOMA
Hydration Elevated | Designer Water - Premium Alkaline Water pH10®
Japanese Methods For Curing Using Your Fingers. Learn about the healing qualities of alkaline rich Kangen Water. It's antioxidant loaded, hydrogen rich, ionized water that neutralizes free radicals that cause oxidative stress which lead to many of today's health issues. In Japan Kangen Water machines are considered a medical device by the Japanese Ministry of Health for their beneficial properties. Learn More. #alkalinewater #kangenwater #benefits #healing #healthtips #healthsecrets
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According to an old Japanese legend, a father gave his son an extremely valuable knowledge that he has learnt from his own father. He revealed the secret about a point which can lead to longevity, as it can prevent a hundred diseases.
All About the TCM Stomach
All About the TCM Large Intestine
LI 4 is a super powerful acupuncture point with so many functions! – Any disorder affecting the face: sinus, jaw pain, toothache, pink eye, twitches, swelling… – External Pathogens invasion such as flus & colds. – Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea. – Any type of pain, anywhere, especially headache. – Painful menstruation, difficult childbirth. – But counter-indicated during pregnancy, until the last stage.