Flower: Poisonous

Beautiful house plants that could be Toxic Killers!
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PlantFiles Pictures: Ricinus, Castor Bean, Castor Oil Plant, Red Castor Bean 'Carmencita' (Ricinus communis) by tardis
Early unripe seed pods of Red Castor Bean 'Carmencita' (Ricinus communis)
Strychnos nux-vomica, the strychnine tree, also known as poison nut, is a deciduous tree native to India and to southeast Asia, in the family Loganiaceae. It produces an orange fruit, with a white, jelly-like flesh, which contains five disc-shaped seeds, covered with a woolly layer. Strychnine poison is obtained from these seeds.
Black henbane seed boxes. Hyoscyamus niger is a poisonous plant in the family Solanaceae. Low and average dosages have inebriating and aphrodisiac effects. high dosages result in delirium, coma, respiratory paralysis, and death. Henbane is also toxic to cattle, wildlife, fish, and birds. Not all animals are susceptible: pigs are immune to henbane toxicity and are reported to enjoy the effects of the plant.
CalPhotos: Mandragora autumnalis; Mandrake
Fruits of mandragora autumnalis. All species of Mandragora contain highly biologically active alkaloids. The alkaloids make the plant, particularly the root and leaves, poisonous.
Laurier rose à fleurs jaunes
Laurier rose -jaune--Nerium oleander- Le jardin du Pic Vert
The Largest , Smelliest and most Bizarre flowers in the world
Aristolochia clematitis — Birthwort — is a herbaceous plant in the Aristolochiaceae family, native to Europe and occasionally found established outside of its native range as a relic of cultivation. This poisonous plant was formerly used as a medicinal plant - recent study suggests that it's the cause for thousands of kidney failures in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia