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Sticking to better priorities
Alexandra's Randomness: Sticking to better priorities
Live Life Happy
Quote Poster: A person being “too busy” is a myth. People make time for the things that are really important to them!
Hp Lyrikz - Inspiring Quotes
A strong woman is one who is able to smile this morning like she wasn't crying last night.
Your Daily Source of Quotes
There is absolutely nothing weak about a woman who cries and at the same time admits that there is something wrong or that she is sad/angry/frustrated. Crying doesn't mean you dwell on the problem or don't look for a solution. But strength isn't denying your feelings. Here's a crazy idea: You're allowed to have shitty feelings.
Quote #2380018
This explains any relationship wher one of the two are always feeling alone, blamed or is always giving and never bring surprised by the other. Always having to chase or apologize. Move on. So many people waste their lives on selfish idiots. ((So many fake assholes out there, tell you such bullshit! Your better off alone! Let them live their trash filled fantasies and have no clue what to do with a real woman! ))