
11 Pins
21 Questions Your Son Really Needs You to Ask Him
So how do you grow closer to your son? How can you know what he's thinking and how he's feeling? FREE Printable! ~ Club31Women
3 Bees and Me
10 Things Kids Want from Parents. Love this! (not sure where it was in the link though)
35 Small Moment Fixes to be a Better Mom Today
What do you do with a day that seems to go all wrong? Turn your day around with these quick tips to be a better mom in the small moments! Take 5 seconds to show your kids they are valued and loved in your home.
15 things your son or daughter should know
15 things a Mom should teach her boys - I have a few more years for some of these
Parenting // Discipline Less + Understand More
How to Raise a Happy, Successful Cooperative Child Infogram (Carol Tuttle, the Child Whisperer via Art Bar)
sun salutation - DIVINE
Do you know what your yoga mat is made of? Make sure your yoga mat is organic and does not contain any harmful chemicals. Check out our brand new 100% TPE Eco-Friendly, Non-Slip, Anti-Bacterial Yoga Mat! ~Namaste Nation Yoga~