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The biggest collection of useful apps for students. You'll find help for almost every instance of school and mostly for free! Check out the site for more details for each app and alternatives for your specific mobile device. Good Luck !
The Shoe, Goggles, Man and Boxing gloves Puzzle – Genius Puzzle With Correct Answer
The Shoe, Goggles, Man and Boxing gloves Puzzle. Only for genius puzzle, more than 90% will fail to solve this genius math puzzle. Viral whatsapp puzzle. Only for genius puzzle with answer.
Brain teaser - Can you read this?
Brain teaser - Can you read this? (Ha! Not a strong mind - just someone who has spent too long with people who like personalised number plates!!!)
Cookie Dough 3 Ways!!
The ultimate cookie dough recipes! Chocolate chip, chocolate, and funfetti. The easiest tastiest treat that you'll want to make again and again! They're even graet for parties, just serve in mini cups. #cookiedough #chocolatechip #chocolate #funfetti
When u accidentally confuse bowling with how to drive safely in dangerous conditions
When u accidentally confuse bowling with how to drive safely in dangerous conditions