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Curiano Quotes Life – Quote, Love Quotes, Life Quotes, Live Life Quote…
I'm blessed to know this, may you be blessed too.
The Sexy Truth
For reals, and then someone swoops in, a friend might I add, and is just like, HEY I LIKE HIM TOO :) and then flaunts the fact she's stealing your crush. Oh thanks "friend" >:( wow this was like 2 years ago, and I'm still that -Izzy
This is me all the time especially because every guy I like ends up dating my bff Why just why
Everyday Power: Inspirational Quotes To Live Your Best Life
Start your day off reading positive quotes to give yourself an advantage on your day! Life loves you even when it doesn’t feel like it! Read more at #quotes #motivation #inspiration #hope #faith #love #happy #life #praise #affirmation #positivity #qotd #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #successquotes #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration
We Heart It
‘...with CONFIDENCE’ *cringe*