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25+ Cheerful Tumblr Posts That Are Going To Make You Happy - Cortie Blandamere
Tumblr Gems That'll Help You Wile Away The Hours
Anyone else ever daydream for 6 hours straight and then after urjust like nah let’s scrap that and do it all again but slightly to the left astudyingreer my brain: *out of breath* Was that good?! Me in a beret, taking a long draft from a cigarette and leaning back in my director’s chair: once again, from the top, this time with feeling - iFunny
Biggest-gaudiest-patr... ”?a-rich-friendship : biggest-gaudiest-patronuses Time! To bitch slap! Some inner demons! ye biggest-gaudiest-patronuses Iconsider therapy a hands-on process E nerdybitchywitchy I am always waiting at attention with a broom to beat my intrusive thoughts back into their corner hole & a-rích-friendship Begone THOUGHT! Source: bíggest-gaudiest-patronuses - iFunny
Alexieloveyoulikeacupcake When Jack Warner was caslr'ng the movie My Fa/r Lady, Julie Andrews, who played the original Eliza Doolíttle on Broadway, was overlooked for the part, that was given to Audrey Hepburn. That made her avaílable to accept Mr. Disney’s invitatíon to play Mary Poppins. Ar the 22nd Golden G/obes, when she won the best actress award (she Was up against Audrey for My Fair Lady), she had her sweet revenge. - iFunny