Addiction Treatment

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Alcoholism Symptoms and Treatment
Tulasi Healthcare's Alcohol addiction treatment centres in Delhi & Gurgaon have been meeting the needs of people suffering from alcohol addiction on a variety of fronts for many years. We have made a difference in the lives of many people who have suffered from alcoholism and co-morbidity. If you or anyone you know requires assistance, please contact us at +91-8800000255. #tulasihealthcare #alcoholism #addiction #recovery #sobriety #sober #alcoholic a #addictionrecovery #alcohol
Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal
The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal relate proportionately to the level of alcohol intake and the duration of the person's recent drinking habit. Not everyone who quits drinking alcohol experiences withdrawal symptoms, but many people who have been drinking for a long period will experience some withdrawal symptoms if they stop using alcohol suddenly. There are several mild to moderate psychological and physical symptoms one might experience when one stops drinking. Call us +91-8800000255
Myths and Facts about Addiction
The concept of addiction is clouded with many misconceptions and assumptions, making it difficult for friends and family members to truly understand what an addicted loved one is going through. There are countless myths floating around about drug abuse, addiction, and alcoholism, but here are just a few of the most common myths and misconceptions. If anyone you know needs help, connect with our experts at +91-8800000255
Symptoms of Heroin Addiction
Some symptoms that can help understand if one is becoming addicted to heroin. If you or someone known to you is addicted to or is showing symptoms of addiction, please connect with our healthcare professional at +91-8800000255 . #gethelp #Mentalhealth #heroin #addiction #recovery #substanceabuse #tulasihealthcare #counselling #tips #abuse #takehelp #alcoholicsanonymous #narcoticsanonymous #strength #fighter #struggle #beautiful #believe #nevergiveup #cocaineanonymous #soberlife
Heroin Addiction
Amongst the 7.5 crore drug addicts in India, approximately 1 crore are heroin addicts. If you or someone known to you is addicted to or is showing symptoms of addiction, please connect with our healthcare professional at +91-8800000255 . #gethelp #Mentalhealth #heroin #addiction #recovery #substanceabuse #tulasihealthcare #counselling #tips #abuse #takehelp #alcoholicsanonymous #narcoticsanonymous #strength #fighter #struggle #beautiful #believe #nevergiveup #cocaineanonymous #soberlife
Alcoholism an illness
At Tulasi Healthcare, our renowned and skilled Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists & Counselors offer holistic treatment by means of consultation, counselling, assessments, medication, therapies, rehab programs and customised residential care programs in accordance with patient's needs for alcohol de-addiction. Connect with our healthcare professional at +91-8800000255 . . . #gethelp #Mentalhealth #alcohol #alcoholic #alcoholism #alcholismrecovery #alcoholaddiction #drinking #drinkingproblem
How to support your loved one through Alcohol De-addiction
Here are some tips on supporting your loved one going through Alcohol de-addiction. If you or someone known to you is addicted to or is showing symptoms of alcoholism, please connect with our healthcare professional at +91-8800000255 . . . . #gethelp #Mentalhealth #alcohol #alcoholic #alcoholism #alcholismrecovery #alcoholaddiction #drinking #drinkingproblem #addiction #recovery #substanceabuse #tulasihealthcare #counselling #therapy #psychologist #psychiatrist #medical #doctor #tips #impact
Self Care Tips (Alcohol Addiction)
Here are some self-care tips if you are going through Alcohol de-addiction If you or someone known to you is addicted to or is showing symptoms of alcoholism, please connect with our healthcare professional at +91-8800000255 . . . . #gethelp #Mentalhealth #alcohol #alcoholic #alcoholism #alcholismrecovery #alcoholaddiction #drinking #drinkingproblem #addiction #recovery #substanceabuse #tulasihealthcare #counselling #therapy #psychologist #psychiatrist #medical #doctor #tips #impact #abuse
Alcohol Addiction Myths v/s Facts
There are a lot of myths around alcohol addiction. Busting some of the myths this week. If you or someone known to you is addicted to or is showing symptoms of alcoholism, please connect with our healthcare professional at +91-8800000255 . . . . #gethelp #Mentalhealth #alcohol #alcoholic #alcoholism #alcholismrecovery #alcoholaddiction #drinking #drinkingproblem #addiction #recovery #substanceabuse #tulasihealthcare #counselling #therapy #psychologist #psychiatrist #medical #doctor #tips #impact
Alcohol Addiction Myths v/s Facts
There are a lot of myths around alcohol addiction. Busting some of the myths this week. If you or someone known to you is addicted to or is showing symptoms of alcoholism, please connect with our healthcare professional at +91-8800000255 . . . . #gethelp #Mentalhealth #alcohol #alcoholic #alcoholism #alcholismrecovery #alcoholaddiction #drinking #drinkingproblem #addiction #recovery #substanceabuse #tulasihealthcare #counselling #therapy #psychologist #psychiatrist #medical #doctor #tips #impact
Alcohol Addiction Myths v/s Facts
There are a lot of myths around alcohol addiction. Busting some of the myths this week. If you or someone known to you is addicted to or is showing symptoms of alcoholism, please connect with our healthcare professional at +91-8800000255 . . . . #gethelp #Mentalhealth #alcohol #alcoholic #alcoholism #alcholismrecovery #alcoholaddiction #drinking #drinkingproblem #addiction #recovery #substanceabuse #tulasihealthcare #counselling #therapy #psychologist #psychiatrist #medical #doctor #tips #impact