Wellness Inspiration

Pins from my instagram feed. Wellness inspiration and motivation for a healthy and happy everyday life. Food, delicious meals, exercise, workout gear, beauty and skincare tips and products, relaxation rituals to make you feel better and stress free.
248 Pins
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "No training today, no chores. I decided to take a bath instead since I haven’t done it in so so long! A fizzing star, some love for my summer hair and @jayshetty ‘s book (finally!!! I had it preordered since forever) It was glorious. #selfcare #bathtime #metime @sephora @olaplex #sunseasalt #damagedhair #longday #thinklikeamonk"
No training today no chores. I decided to take a bath instead since I havent done it in so so long! A fizzing star some love for my summer hair and @jayshetty s book (finally!!! I had it preordered since forever) It was glorious. #selfcare #bathtime #metime @sephora @olaplex #sunseasalt #damagedhair #longday #thinklikeamonk
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "I accidentally left my watch charger at my parents place last weekend and I only got it back today. I have missed my watch so much these past three days!! Once you get used to it it’s hard to go without. 😊 #applewatch #smartwatch #welcomeback #wearables"
I accidentally left my watch charger at my parents place last weekend and I only got it back today. I have missed my watch so much these past three days!! Once you get used to it its hard to go without. #applewatch #smartwatch #welcomeback #wearables
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "I have to admit I haven’t been eating that well lately. Also I had a couple of pretty intense days at work so I’ve been living off sandwiches 😩 So I decided to break the cycle at least a little bit and I made myself a quinoa salad today. Super simple yet quite tasty, finally! #lunchtime #lunchsalad #quinoasalad #redquinoa"
I have to admit I havent been eating that well lately. Also I had a couple of pretty intense days at work so Ive been living off sandwiches So I decided to break the cycle at least a little bit and I made myself a quinoa salad today. Super simple yet quite tasty finally! #lunchtime #lunchsalad #quinoasalad #redquinoa
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "I’ve been using the @pixibeauty Glow Toner for the past couple of weeks and I’ve been loving it. To be fair, I hate the smell. Which means it must be really really good for me to like it anyways. I’ve been using it morning and evening and I’m not noticing any dryness or redness. I am, however, noticing “the glow” 😁 #pixibeauty #pixitonic #glowtonic #bha #glycolicacid #glycolicacidtoner #skincare #skincareroutine #skincareproducts"
Ive been using the @pixibeauty Glow Toner for the past couple of weeks and Ive been loving it. To be fair I hate the smell. Which means it must be really really good for me to like it anyways. Ive been using it morning and evening and Im not noticing any dryness or redness. I am however noticing the glow #pixibeauty #pixitonic #glowtonic #bha #glycolicacid #glycolicacidtoner #skincare #skincareroutine #skincareproducts
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "I have something really important to share. These are my new socks. They’re from @primark and they’re something like 5€ for 5 pairs. They are also the most comfortable thing I have worn in a long time and I have a lot of “proper” running socks. Today’s 10k was a breeze in them and I am actually grateful for my new socks. Special thanks to my 2yo daughter who went shopping with me the other day. We got new socks for her as well. With unicorns. Obviously. #running #sunday10k #runningmoms #runningmomsrock #primarksocks #primark #runningsocks #nikerunning #epicreactflyknit2"
I have something really important to share. These are my new socks. Theyre from @primark and theyre something like 5 for 5 pairs. They are also the most comfortable thing I have worn in a long time and I have a lot of proper running socks. Todays 10k was a breeze in them and I am actually grateful for my new socks. Special thanks to my 2yo daughter who went shopping with me the other day. We got new socks for her as well. With unicorns. Obviously. #running #sunday10k #runningmoms #runningmomsr
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "It’s like a million degrees outside and it makes it sooo hard to run. I’ve been going out at 9, even 10 p.m. these days when it cools down slightly but then I have to choose well lit routes only. And even so I get home drenched and also I really have to lookout for any bumps in the road as my ankles have faced a couple of very challenging moments so far. I miss running in the sun or at sunset! I love running at sunset especially when I’m at my parents’ house by the coast. But still summer has its charm, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. One just has to adapt and make the best out of it, right? #running #summer #summertime #summerrunning #runninginthedark #runningintheheat #runningmoms #runningmomsrock #sweatinglikeapig #sweatinglikecrazy"
Its like a million degrees outside and it makes it sooo hard to run. Ive been going out at 9 even 10 p.m. these days when it cools down slightly but then I have to choose well lit routes only. And even so I get home drenched and also I really have to lookout for any bumps in the road as my ankles have faced a couple of very challenging moments so far. I miss running in the sun or at sunset! I love running at sunset especially when Im at my parents house by the coast. But still summer has its ch
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "Let me tell you, I am not built for speed! I went on this runch today and the plan was 5x400m. It was much harder than my usual 5, 7, even 10km runs! But I do realize speed runs are necessary if I want to get faster so I just have to suck it up. Btw runch is not a typo 😊 runch = run+lunch It’s when you use your lunch hour to do a quick run instead. I heard this word from a coworker of mine (who is also an amazing runner btw) and I love it so I’ve been using it ever since 😁 #running #speedrun #intervals #intervalsprints #coachbennettmademedoit #nikerunning #nrc #nikerunclub #runningmoms"
Let me tell you I am not built for speed! I went on this runch today and the plan was 5x400m. It was much harder than my usual 5 7 even 10km runs! But I do realize speed runs are necessary if I want to get faster so I just have to suck it up. Btw runch is not a typo runch = runlunch Its when you use your lunch hour to do a quick run instead. I heard this word from a coworker of mine (who is also an amazing runner btw) and I love it so Ive been using it ever since #running #speedrun #interva
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "Side effects of the pandemic: no deliveries from Korea and no trips to Italian Sephoras. Which means I keep discovering new online stores. Thank you @cultbeauty for carrying exactly what I needed. I’m loving the @pixibeauty toner so far (except for the scent) and I’m trying the rest first thing tomorrow morning. I’ll keep you posted 😊 @toofaced @hourglasscosmetics #foundation #toner #aha #ahatoner #highlighter #stickhighlighter #beautydelivery #giftformyself #selfcare #skincare #makeup"
Side effects of the pandemic: no deliveries from Korea and no trips to Italian Sephoras. Which means I keep discovering new online stores. Thank you @cultbeauty for carrying exactly what I needed. Im loving the @pixibeauty toner so far (except for the scent) and Im trying the rest first thing tomorrow morning. Ill keep you posted @toofaced @hourglasscosmetics #foundation #toner #aha #ahatoner #highlighter #stickhighlighter #beautydelivery #giftformyself #selfcare #skincare #makeup
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "I love the fact that I have an electric piano instead of an acoustic one, especially because I can play it with my headphones on without disturbing anyone. The only problem is there’s no space for a glass of wine 😱☺️ See, Sunday nights have become wine+play time for me. It’s the perfect combo to unwind and empty my mind before the start of a new work week. Just one glass though 😊 #pianoplayer #winenight #unwind #unwinding #whitewine #yamahapiano #guiltypleasure #metime #foodforthesoul"
I love the fact that I have an electric piano instead of an acoustic one especially because I can play it with my headphones on without disturbing anyone. The only problem is theres no space for a glass of wine See Sunday nights have become wineplay time for me. Its the perfect combo to unwind and empty my mind before the start of a new work week. Just one glass though #pianoplayer #winenight #unwind #unwinding #whitewine #yamahapiano #guiltypleasure #metime #foodforthesoul
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "There’s no more Clarisonic 😭 I’ve always loved my Mia and still can’t believe @loreal has decided to shut down this brand. So I had to stock up on brushes while I still can. I know people are having a hard time finding them but luckily the’re not so widely popular around here and I was able to order a couple. I’m gonna miss this so much when they’re gone. #selfcare will@never be the same again 😥 @clarisonic #skincare #skinprep #cleansing #slincareroutine #clarisonic #clarisonicmia #clarisonicbrush"
Theres no more Clarisonic Ive always loved my Mia and still cant believe @loreal has decided to shut down this brand. So I had to stock up on brushes while I still can. I know people are having a hard time finding them but luckily there not so widely popular around here and I was able to order a couple. Im gonna miss this so much when theyre gone. #selfcare will@never be the same again @clarisonic #skincare #skinprep #cleansing #slincareroutine #clarisonic #clarisonicmia #clarisonicbrush
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "I’m not sure what happened but my face was parched today! The miracle worker in my hand is usually more like a winter thing for me but I just had to take it out of my secret stash for this “special occasion “. Also I’ve had the worst luck with sheet masks lately. I didn’t like any of the new ones I tried. So I had to go with a true and tried option this time. You can’t really go wrong with @missha.official anyways 👏 feeling much better now, thank you! #sheetmask #dryskin #dryskincare #koreanskincare #kbeauty #kbeautyskincare #missha #sheabutter #sheabutterproducts #selfcare #selfcareeveryday #metime #metimegoals"
Im not sure what happened but my face was parched today! The miracle worker in my hand is usually more like a winter thing for me but I just had to take it out of my secret stash for this special occasion . Also Ive had the worst luck with sheet masks lately. I didnt like any of the new ones I tried. So I had to go with a true and tried option this time. You cant really go wrong with @missha.official anyways feeling much better now thank you! #sheetmask #dryskin #dryskincare #koreanskincare #k
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "Sometimes the motivation just isn’t there. And when it happens it’s so hard to persevere. ⠀ I used to love my IG feed. I don’t have a ton of followers but I still like putting my thoughts and ideas out there. I find they help me when I need some suggestions but publishing in a sense also makes me much more aware of how great whatever I did felt and makes me cherish it more.⠀ I’m not exactly sure what happened but somehow I stopped publishing during this pandemic and it’s such a shame. ⠀ So I’m going back to why I started. Back to all the reasons I just listed. I’m sure remembering them will produce that next post tomorrow. And the day after that...⠀ It works in all areas. Remember why you picked up that new hobby you have been neglecting. Remember why your skincare routine felt so good. Remember why you started eating healthier. The why will take you to the next step. ⠀ P.S. I just might be a tad under the influence of @simonsinek since I’m currently reading #startwithwhy⠀ #why #hobby #lifestyle #findyourwhy #restartyourlife #restarting #goodhabits #inspiration #motivation #lostmotivation #findmotivation"
Sometimes the motivation just isnt there. And when it happens its so hard to persevere. I used to love my IG feed. I dont have a ton of followers but I still like putting my thoughts and ideas out there. I find they help me when I need some suggestions but publishing in a sense also makes me much more aware of how great whatever I did felt and makes me cherish it more. Im not exactly sure what happened but somehow I stopped publishing during this pandemic and its such a shame. So Im going back
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "Eating healthy is all good and well but there’s nothing like icecream by the sea 😍 #weekendwiththekids #summer #sea #summervibes #summertime #lifebythesea #lifebythecoast #icecream #besticecreamever"
Eating healthy is all good and well but theres nothing like icecream by the sea #weekendwiththekids #summer #sea #summervibes #summertime #lifebythesea #lifebythecoast #icecream #besticecreamever
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "I had to take an unplanned rest day today. My right knee started hurting again out of the blue. I don’t recall any sudden pain or sign of injury and yesterday I had a recovery workout not a full on training, I have no idea where this is coming from. So instead of what I had planned for today I decided to go for a walk just to clear my head. Bad idea! It just got worse and really started to hurt after about 2km with one more to go to get back home. Now I’m chilling with some anti-inflammatory cream and hoping for a better tomorrow 😔 #restday #listentoyourbody #recovery #recoveryday #kneepain #insanity #insanityworkout #insanitymonth2"
I had to take an unplanned rest day today. My right knee started hurting again out of the blue. I dont recall any sudden pain or sign of injury and yesterday I had a recovery workout not a full on training I have no idea where this is coming from. So instead of what I had planned for today I decided to go for a walk just to clear my head. Bad idea! It just got worse and really started to hurt after about 2km with one more to go to get back home. Now Im chilling with some anti-inflammatory crea
Wave For Wellness on Instagram: "Take that quarantine!! Also worth noting: I have upped my move goal every week since the end of March (which is when I got my watch back) and I am currently at 600 kcal 💪 This is mainly @shaunt ‘s fault (Happy birthday Shaun!!), since I’ve decided to do a round of Insanity again. This is actually the first time I’ve done this while not on maternity leave. I’m currently on month 2, week 1 and it is killing me! The transition to month 2 is always pretty hard, mainly because of the extra length. But more on that next time. Today I just wanted to share that sticking to a goal and to a schedule is possible even during these times. Hell, it’s even more important because it keeps@you grounded, sane and structured. I highly recommend starting and sticking to a program instead of going with the flow, you will not believe the benefits!! Good night and good luck! 🍀 🌙 #workout #workoutmotivation #workoutroutine #workoutathome #workouts #activityapp #activityapplewatch #applewatchactivity #insanityworkout #insanity #insanitymonth2 #insanityworkouts #shauntmademedoit #quarantinelife #quarantineworkouts #goodhabits #goodhabitsforlife #nationalfitnessday"
Take that quarantine!! Also worth noting: I have upped my move goal every week since the end of March (which is when I got my watch back) and I am currently at 600 kcal This is mainly @shaunt s fault (Happy birthday Shaun!!) since Ive decided to do a round of Insanity again. This is actually the first time Ive done this while not on maternity leave. Im currently on month 2 week 1 and it is killing me! The transition to month 2 is always pretty hard mainly because of the extra length. But more