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tell the sun and the stars hello for me
Yep. Because I was starting to heal from the emotional damage inflicted by TiFOS, so I just had to reopen the wounds! :P
TFIOS. Lonely and vaguely pedophilic swing.. <3 John Green
I died<<< So did Gus.<<<<whO GAvE YOU THe riGHT!?!??!???!!????!! WHYYYYYYY?!?! ><<<<<<Did they just ..... omg *sobs uncontrollably*
Everyone deserves a perfect world!
The Fault In Our Stars....BUT LOVE STILL DOESN'T MAKE HIM....(spoiler do not read on unless you've read, or not plainning on reading it) STAY ALIVE!! :@
the fault in our stars quotes | Fault in Our Stars
Plot twist!<<< this wasn't a plot twist it's a metaphor and it's making me cry all over again
And god do I want more days for Augustus Waters
#TheFaultInOurStars de #JohnGreen... Interesante frase...
"Then I walked up to the podium and unfolded the piece of paper on which I'd printed my eulogy." (20.259) Hazel had written a wonderful eulogy to Augustus and reads it at his funeral. It shows how much she truly loves him and it brings them to tears.