Stay Positive - by Clara Woods

Life is difficult but it depends on how we see it. Clara is a stroke survivor, an artist, and a model. Ans she knows how to enjoy life! Be positive, stay positive
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So, Clara is going through some tough times, but she's not letting it bring her down. She's walking for her mom, dealing with the aftermath of a surgery that didn't go as planned. But even during all this darkness, Clara is learning to stay positive and see the silver linings. This reel tells her incredible story of strength and resilience, showing us that no matter what challenges we face, we can find healing and triumph if we hold onto hope.
Let's go, Clara! We are all with you! All your hard work is motivating lots of people out there! Shout out to Clara and send her a positive message to keep going. Some days are really hard for her!
Inclusion and diversity matter!
Did you know that you can buy Clara's artwork in her online shop? Clara's powerful interpretation of Isaiah 41:13 become a print! You can hang it on your wall and remember that God is with you always, even if sometimes it seems that He is not there!
In the last months, Clara feels lonely but finds joy in the little things that improve her day.
This contains an image of: Be yourself! Always
Be yourself! Always
Inspirational quotes by Clara Woods
Inspiration. Motivational. Positive quotes. Power woman. Super women. Positive vibrations. Be strong. Be yourself. Be positive. Be you. Believe in yourself. Clara Woods. Life is good.
Be yourself. Always.
be yourself. love yourself. positive quotes. positive toughts. positive vibrations. body positive.
Woman quotes by Clara Woods
“A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” —Melinda Gates, philanthropist
Positive quotes by Clara Woods
"Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give" Ben Carson
Positive quotes by Clara Woods
"We shine bright so that others may shine brighter" Yohancè Salimu - Be positive today!